
Welcome to Nantong Sanyuan Computer Quilting Machinery Co., Ltd.

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Nantong three Yuan computer quilting Machinery Co., Ltd.
Rudong Datong quilting Machinery Factory

Company address: Dayu Town, Rudong County, Jiangsu province.
Technical support:15962820000 (Chairman)
135 8461 8461

Sales Tel:139 0627 1251Chairman
159 6299 9000Chairman
159 6282 0000Chairman
135 8461 3186     
138 6193 8502

After-sale service:0513-8425 2315
Online QQ:  344593112    909767684
Enterprise email: info@syhfj.com

You are here:Home > Corporate Culture

Sincerity          Pragmatism          Innovate          Struggle hard

A great organization can survive for a long time.

The most important conditions are not structure, form and management skills.

It's the spiritual power we call faith.

And the inspiring power of faith to all members of the organization.

Copyright ? 2018 Nantong three Yuan computer quilting Machinery Co., Ltd.
Company address:Nantong three Yuan computer quilting Machinery Co., Ltd.
After-sale service:0513-84252315
QQ:344593112 909767684
  • 159 6282 0000
    135 8461 3186
    139 0627 1251
    159 6299 9000
    159 6282 0000
    135 8461 3186
    138 6193 8502
    石泉县| 凤凰县| 陆丰市| 墨竹工卡县| 甘孜县| 老河口市| 同心县| 台中县| 龙口市| 特克斯县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 洪江市| 浏阳市| 达尔| 珲春市| 舞阳县| 沁水县| 延川县| 建始县| 东宁县| 西峡县| 周宁县| 汤原县| 赞皇县| 中牟县| 梨树县| 姜堰市| 勃利县| 包头市| 井冈山市| 亚东县| 长宁县| 东兰县| 抚顺县| 灌云县| 岑溪市| 大英县| 中西区| 神木县| 乐业县| 阳新县|